Life Coaching

    Each student will individually write a 9 to 11 page research paper on a coaching topic, which does not include the title, abstract, or reference pages. The topic must be unique to the topics we cover in class and have a coaching focus. If you have questions about a topic, email the course instructor by the end of the first week of class.

    The body of the paper should have two major sections. The first section should cover the research you have done on a particular topic that was addressed in the course. For example goal setting, motivation, transitions, etc…You should support your research by citing academic articles and books. The second section of your paper should be a reflection of this research. You will want to address how you think this will impact you and your coaching ministry/business. What are some of the implications of this research on how you would practice? Finally address how this can personally impact you.

    Other specifics:
    • The paper is to be an original work of the author and written solely for this course. Although past papers can be used as reference, papers previously submitted cannot be used to fulfill this assignment.
    • The paper must be written using APA format (6th ed.) and include title, abstract, and reference pages.
    • Must be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx).
    • Any charts, pictures, etc. must be put in an appendix, and do not count toward the minimum number of pages
    • References
    • A minimum of 7 scholarly references must be used.
    • All references must be from the past SEVEN years.
    • As a research paper, students must utilize and properly cite references within the text of the paper; without such references the paper is merely an opinion.
    • A complete reference section, properly formatted according to APA standards, must be included at the end of your paper.

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