
    LIBY1551 (Helfman)
    ?Save your file: Instructions
    Due Date: Credit:
    Final Project Guidelines
    Do the following to save your file: Save as: final_lastname.doc/docx Example: final_helfman.doc
    Monday, by midnight (follow due date announcement on BB)
    (22% of course grade = 22 points)
    Your project must consist of two components:
    Annotated Bibliography (4 sources – each annotation 75-120 words)
    Research Process Essay (in 2 parts, 2-3 pages in double space)
    ??Purpose: The final project will show the results of your research question through the annotated bibliography and will describe and evaluate the methods undertaken to produce the bibliography. The project is holistic in nature and reflects the entire research process. The steps necessary to complete your project are listed below. This is your chance to revise, and correct previous assignment for use in the final project.
    1. Formulate a research question or topic.
    2. Find sources and information that matches your topic.
    3. Read, review, evaluate and reflect on the research process.
    4. For your bibliography you will:
    Apply an APA citation style to each information source.
    For each source, provide evaluation; describe its contents, usefulness and
    how it relates to your topic, and evaluate its credibility. These descriptions serve as annotations. (Use CARCAR as a source evaluation guideline)
    5. Your essay should have two parts;
    Part One – your research skill and process before taking this library course (you can use your entry for week 1 discussion board question after the proper revision).
    Answer the following questions:
    Do you use specific keywords?
    Do you use the advanced search window?
    How do you limit your search?
    How do you choose your sources?
    What makes your searches successful or unsuccessful? Include any and all experiences you have when searching the internet, and or the library catalog.
    Part two: You will describe your topic and your interest in it.
    Justify the decisions you made in finding and selecting the information sources.
    Report how you searched and describe the strategies you used. Analyze your progress, noting what worked, what didn’t work and why.
    Describe what you would have done differently.
    Required Format & Contents:
    Your paper will have the following structure: (1) Title page, (2) Annotated Bibliography, and (3) Research Essay Part 1 & Part 2. In the paper, each section should be labeled with the appropriate heading. A list of requirements is given below.
    ???????????TITLE PAGE
    ???Must include: Paper title: Final Project, Your Name, Date, Course number, Quarter, Year.
    ??????Insert page break to separate from title page
    ???????*Contains at least 4 sources.
    *Includes one source from the following categories: Reference book, book, journal article found through one of the Library databases, and a web page.
    *Is organized in an alphabetical order.
    *Have citations that conform to the APA citation style. *Contains succinct but descriptive annotations (75-100 words). Annotations must show the purpose, use,
    ?????????credibility, and value of the source. Use CARCAR guidelines and answer all relevant question to construct full and rounded annotations.
    ??????Insert page break to separate from annotated bibliography (make sure to NOT insert a whole page)
    ????General Information
    ?*The Research Essay will describe your research process in 2 parts (3-5 pages).
    Part One – describe your research experience
    before taking this course (use your entry to week 1 discussion board question).
    In this part answer the following questions:
    Do you use specific keywords?
    Do you use the advanced search window? How
    do you limit your search?
    How do you choose your sources?
    What makes your searches successful or
    Include any and all experiences you have when searching the internet, and or the library catalog.
    This is not a research paper. You will not hand in a traditional research paper or write an essay about your topic.
    ?????Essay part 2
    no more than one or 2 paragraphs.
    ?????Part Two-
    *Minimum length is 1-2 pages double spaced, not including the title page or annotated bibliography
    Introduction (in your introduction include the following):
    *The parameters of your topic, what it involves
    *Why you chose this topic, what do you already know about it, and what you want to learn from it?
    *How your topic fits within a larger field of study.
    *Explain the focus of your topic. Which areas you did or did not explore and why.
    *The time period you focused on (if applicable).
    Note: This section is relatively short, maximum two paragraphs.
    Essay part 2
    Description of Process
    Description of Process
    *Where and how you began.
    *Describe the finding tools used (catalogs, indexes, databases). List the search terms used (subject headings, keywords, names) and where they led you.
    *Document the search techniques/strategies used and their usefulness.
    *Modifications you made to your search terms, techniques and tools.
    *How the annotated bibliography was organized, what citation style was used and the rationale for both.
    *Include specific examples.
    Essay part 2
    Evaluation of Process
    Evaluation of Process
    *Specific stumbling blocks you encountered. Why they occurred and if they could have been avoided.
    *Describe search terms, techniques and tools that were most successful, ones that were not successful, and why. *Decision-making points; why you selected/rejected certain information sources, tools and techniques.
    *How you evaluated and selected sources for the annotated bibliography.
    *How well is the topic represented in print or electronic/internet resources?
    *Would you go about this project differently knowing what you know now?
    *How do your present research methods and concepts compare with those you had before?

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