Letter of Recommendation

    I am a medical student, and I’m applying for a master’s program in the USA in one of 2:
    1) Health Administration & Management.
    2) Health Informatics.

    In that order of likelihood

    I want a LOR from my Urgent Care doctor, my Ophthalmologist and my Orthopedic surgeon. I was there student for a month each. And they told me to write it, and they would sign it.

    I don’t know what to write though to help me out!?

    I want 3 different LOR’s..one for each doc. But I will assign only one to 3 different writers.

    Please only bid if you know what you are doing..written LOR’s before, have some medical, health or masters experience.

    Plagiarism to the minimum.

    No overpricing plz..and dont leave me messages like “I assure you u will get A+ ” that only shows me that u have not read the instructions and dont care for what I want and only want money. Tell me why you are the man for THIS job.

    Deadline might be extendable.

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