lesson plan

    lesson plan
    A- What was the main focus on your lesson?

    My lesson about food pyramid I show the concept map to the student and I would from you to create good questions about this concept map.

    B- What did you notice in your interactions with the students?
    Questions/ prompts yielded:
    1.More language?
    2-Less language?
    (The whole interview)
    I want to write more language

    c- what did you notice in the student’s spoken responses?
    I want to write the student develop his language when I asked him these questions (select some questions which you created.

    d- Triangulate the relationship among part a,b,c:
    1- What professional insights ( grounded) do you have about what happed?

    2- What do these insights( personal) say to you about your own growth as a teacher?

    3- What theoretical (extant, perspectives from from the reading or the concept map} ideas can you use to explain what happened?

    4- What are you now more informed about? Based on this knowledge, what next steps do you need to take to continue to grow?


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