Lesson Plan ModificationLesson Plan Modification

    Lesson Plan ModificationLesson Plan Modification

    To make curriculum accessible to English language learners, teachers must be able to integrate strategies to help them develop social and academic language skills in English and provide support by using comprehensible input and scaffolding. Accommodations should be based on current theories and research in language and literacy development and address the interrelationship between culture and language.

    For this assignment, chose a grade level and content area that is of interest to you and select a lesson plan that addresses the content.

    Suggested websites for lesson plans:

    EverythingESL.net. Retrieved from http://www.everythingesl.net/lessons/

    LessonPlansPage.com. Retrieved from http://www.lessonplanspage.com/

    ReadWriteThink. Retrieved from http://www.readwritethink.org/

    In a six- to eight- page paper (not including Title and Reference pages):

    State the selected lesson plan and identify effective strategies already used in the lesson plan for a beginning English language learner.
    Integrate three strategies that would be effective modifications to the plan
    Describe how the lesson plan and the modifications made incorporate comprehensible input and scaffolding. Explain how both are used to support literacy development.
    Explain how this lesson plan and the modifications made supports current research and theories described in the text.
    Analyze how the modifications address the interrelationship between culture and language.

    In addition to the textbook, you must provide three additional scholarly resources.

    Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
    To make curriculum accessible to English language learners, teachers must be able to integrate strategies to help them develop social and academic language skills in English and provide support by using comprehensible input and scaffolding. Accommodations should be based on current theories and research in language and literacy development and address the interrelationship between culture and language.
    For this assignment, chose a grade level and content area that is of interest to you and select a lesson plan that addresses the content.
    Suggested websites for lesson plans:
    EverythingESL.net. Retrieved from http://www.everythingesl.net/lessons/
    LessonPlansPage.com. Retrieved from http://www.lessonplanspage.com/
    ReadWriteThink. Retrieved from http://www.readwritethink.org/
    In a six- to eight- page paper (not including Title and Reference pages):
    State the selected lesson plan and identify effective strategies already used in the lesson plan for a beginning English language learner.
    Integrate three strategies that would be effective modifications to the plan
    Describe how the lesson plan and the modifications made incorporate comprehensible input and scaffolding. Explain how both are used to support literacy development.
    Explain how this lesson plan and the modifications made supports current research and theories described in the text.
    Analyze how the modifications address the interrelationship between culture and language.
    In addition to the textbook, you must provide three additional scholarly resources.
    Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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