Lens-based Analysis

    Lens-based Analysis

    Skills: Contextualizing analysis; applying a concept or claim to the analysis of a test object; evolving a thesis using representative evidence from multiple sources
    Sources: 2-3 print and/or commercial advertisements from Oncourse or outside source( use pictures which i already upload in my account!!!!!)
    And One or more RA articles ? selecting from: Kimmel, ?Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code,? Kilbourne, ?Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt,? or Killing Us Softly And one or more sources discovered upon own research (outside of RA)

    Identify and define a key claim or concept from one or more of the RA essays selected, and apply that concept or claim to the chosen print or commercial advertisements. Analyze what Kimmel?s or Kilbourne?s ideas reveal about the print/commercial advertisements.


    In either Kimmel?s or Kilbourne?s essay (or documentary) identifies a key claim or concept that you think can be applied as a lens to help analyze the details focused on in the print/commercial ads. (Review Pitch, Complaint, Moment, The Method, Seems to be about X, but could also be about Y)

    Define the relevant concepts or claims that you?ve identified in the selected RA essay(s).
    Explain what the concept taken from the RA essay(s) helps be seen and understood in the print/commercial ad, using evidence to support such claims
    Analyze details in the visual text that reveal the limits of the RA authors? concept or claim.

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