leisure management – research mothds

    Assignment 1
    Article Review and Reflection of 2,500 words (50% of module marks)
    Hand in date as stated in module handbook
    This assessment is designed to give you a first attempt at reading, digesting and being critical of academic literature; in the style expected for your final year honours project (dissertation or independent study).

    In your respective tutorial groups you will be considering research topics that are potentially researchable in your final year. Within each TOPIC area a selection of respected JOURNALS will be recommended (check the guide in ebridge). Have a look at some editions of these journals and SELECT ONE ARTICLE. Using ONE ARTICLE ONLY from ONE JOURNAL on your topic, address the following tasks and note their respective assessment weighting:
    50% A description of the paper using the categories Concept, Support, Methods, Limitations
    25% A discussion of how the paper informs the broader TOPIC you have chosen in your tutorial sessions. Note that EACH JOURNAL you are able to choose from is already allocated to a TOPIC
    25% Compare and contrast the applicability of the Research Approach taken in the paper to the type of activity you are likely to undertake after level 5 (this may include: your plans for a year in industry, a year abroad, a dissertation, an investigative study, AND ALSO your future as an entrepreneur, post-graduate student, private or public sector manager, etc.) I.E. is the approach useful; interesting, applicable in your future place of work or study?

    Your assignment must be word-processed and double spaced in 12 point Arial. The title of your work should appear at the top of the first page, and for this assignment, you do NOT need to use a contents page. The assignment will be judged by the quality of the work you provide, which is expected to meet the academic standards of level five. References will be Harvard style within the text and listed alphabetically, on a new page, at the end the end of the assignment using the heading References. You should NOT list references you have not used in the text. Page numbers of references MUST be included where text is within quotation marks. Marks will be awarded for scholarship and related to the quality of the analysis carried out. This reflects the University assessment criteria for level 5. You MUST demonstrate what was discussed from the module as taught in class, as read in the core text, and as developed during tutorial sessions. References from ACADEMIC research papers from online journals (NOT INTERNET SOURCES) are expected to illustrate your examples. You must be careful to avoid plagiarism.


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