Legal Comment

    For your legal writing assessment, you are to write a case comment on the following case:
    Bowman v Fels [2005] EWCA Civ 226, [2005] 1 WLR 3083
    Legal Method Case Comment Assessment Rules And Marking Criteria 2013-2014
    1. The case comment is to be no longer than two pages in at least size 11 font. This rule will be strictly applied.
    2. Anything over two pages will not be considered by the examiner.
    3. The deadline for submission via Moodle is 1:00PM on the 13th December 2013.
    4. You may discuss the assessment with fellow students but the work submitted must be your own.
    5. You are required to read the case in full before starting to write the assessment.
    6. You are advised to undertake some legal research and read any case comments that can be found in journals.
    7. You are reminded of the rules against plagiarism which can be found in the LLB Student Handbook. Remember that Turnitin will detect both plagiarism and collusion.
    8. As this is a learning exercise for you, and you are expected to demonstrate the capacity for independent work, we shall not be providing any further guidance beyond

    that which you will already have received in the workshop on Legal Writing Skills.
    9. Remember that reading cases requires patience and perseverance, and that it may be necessary to read particular passages in judgments a number of times. Even

    experienced lawyers may have to do this!
    10. The assessment will be marked either as a pass or as a fail.
    11. You are reminded that you must pass all three Legal Method assessments in order to progress into the second year.
    12. The following marking criteria will be used to mark the case comment assessment:
    a. The case comment provides a succinct summary of the pertinent facts of the case
    b. The case comment identifies the relevant legal issues raised in the case
    c. The case comment provides an analysis of the relevant legal issues raised in the case
    d. The case comment critically considers the legal issues raised in the case

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