LED 402 Module 2 Case & SLP

    Module 2 – Case
    Leadership Communication
    Case Assignment
    As with all of the assignments for this class first make sure to thoroughly review the required background materials. Make sure you fully understand the concepts of the Johari Window as well as Transactional Analysis. You need to have a solid understanding of these important concepts in order to successfully complete this assignment.
    We will once again be applying the concepts from this module to your own experiences as a way of finding potential ways to develop your leadership skills. For this assignment choose a current or former supervisor or subordinate and think carefully about how the concepts from the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis applies to this current or previous supervisor/subordinate relationship. Think carefully about the flow of information and communication between the two of you and also times when either of you behaved as adults parents or children in your dealings with each other. Dont worry this assignment will be purely between you and your instructor so feel free to be as honest and self-reflective as you can.
    More specifically write a 4- to 5-page paper answering the following questions below. Make sure to cite at least one of the required readings in each answer and to cite at least three sources total from the background readings in your paper:
    Assignment Expectations
    Module 2 – SLP
    Leadership Communication
    For this assignment you will be applying the concepts of the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis to some specific scenarios that you might face if you were a leadership development coach. Of course make sure to thoroughly review the required readings before starting on this assignment.
    For each of the scenarios below use at least one reference from the required readings to answer the specific question. Your paper should be two to three pages in length:
    SLP Assignment Expectations
    Module 2
    Required Material
    Patchin S. (2015). Leadership and the Johari Window Part 1. The Tru Group. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofs7oBqu0Dg
    Puckridge P. (2009). Transactional Analysis in action. Success Institute. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFT2HJliaKE&list=PLRn0GjEedVvioZq6tK-Iwi83sRdHUFok-
    Connor M. & Pokora J. (2012). Chapter 9: What are some useful tools and techniques? Coaching and mentoring at work: Developing effective practice. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education pp. 183-189. [eBook Business Collection. Note: You dont have to read the whole chapter just the first two sections on the Johari Window and Transactional Analysis]
    McKay M. Fanning P. & Davis M. (2009). Chapter 7: Transactional analysis. Messages: The Communication Skills Book. Oakland Calif: New Harbinger Publications. [eBook Academic Collection]
    Mind Tools Editorial Team. (2014). The Johari Window: Using self-discovery and communication to build trust. Mind Tools Ltd. London. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_CON.htm
    Optional Material
    Davis K. (2006). The Interactive Johari Window. Retrieved from http://kevan.org/johari
    Reed J. (2015). Johari Window. Reed Learning. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h7n3ZjeTog
    Patchin S. (2015).Leadership and the Johari Window Part 2. The Tru Group. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHu02S9-d1A
    MacLennan J. (2008). Chapter 3: Self and others (2008). Interpersonal Communication for Canadians: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Oxford University Press UK [ProQuest. Note: make sure to view PDF file. When you search for these reading search only on the title of the book]
    McKay M. Fanning P. & Davis M. (2009). Chapter 2: Self-disclosure. Messages: The Communication Skills Book. Oakland Calif: New Harbinger Publications. [eBook Academic Collection]

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