LED 402 & MGT 407 Deccusion

    Your First PostModule 3 MGT 407
    Please respond to the following:
    Check current periodicals to find an interesting current event article related to Human Resource Management. After 1) reading the article 2) provide a summary of the article 3) along with any additional recommendations arguments and ideas you might have. Also naturally 4) include the citation. Feel free to use any other business-related journals or periodicals. This is not a complete list just suggestions.

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    Include the original question along with your answer in your reply.
    LED 402 Module Deccusion
    While searching for free 360-degree surveys you probably came across quite a few webpages for vendors who will charge a lot of money to use their surveys. Take a look at the webpages or YouTube videos for some vendors and choose one that sticks out to you the most. This could be a vendor that inspires a lot of confidence or a vendor that does not seem to be reliable at all based on their promotional materials. Share the link with your classmates and explain what makes this vendor stand out.
    Also if you have been a part of a 360-degree process before discuss your experiences with your classmates. What went well and what went wrong in this process? What concepts from the background readings were applicable to your own experiences?

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