Lecturer Feedback

    Please find the attached file below, here you’ll find the issues highlighted. And the issues that I mentioned yesterday.

    There are few problems that I found that must needs to be fixed.

    1. There are only 12 references. 

    2. Relating Walter ruttman with the whole essay was fine, whereas, Charlie Chaplin’s “Modern Times’ was discussed only in PARAGRAPH 6 of the discussion part, whereas, it supposed to be involved with half of the discussion part.

    3. You forgot to put page number at In-Text Citations.


    1. Make at least 15 references, if possible then please put more than 15, that shouldn’t be difficult, you can even borrow some references from my previous essay.

    2. Relate Charlie Chaplin’s Modern times film with PARAGRAPH 7,8,9,10. Best way to do that is, using the new references(which you are going to add) to relate this Chaplin’s film with the mentioned above paragraphs.

    3. Please put pages numbers at In-text Citations.

     Please fix those above mentioned issues by next 12 hours anyhow, as I have another consultation with the progress tomorrow. Please fix the Introduction at first, that’s the first priority. Thanks.

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