learning needs

    Part 1: Student work sample analysis
    1. Analyse ONE text (work sample) written (or read) by a student studying in your subject area. This
    work sample (one or two pages long maximum) must be presented at the beginning of your assignment. (A scanned copy is preferred).
    Identify the student’s literacy learning needs using evidence from the work sample.
    3. Design two strategies to support the student’s
    literacy development in this subject area.The strategies should:
    reflect your understanding ofthe importance of multiliteracies in the
    digital age/the 21st Century education
    be sourced from prescribed and recommended readings.
    Task description (Part 1)
    i) Provide a very
    brief profile ofthe student who wrote the work sample (e.g. age, year, gender, background, school history etc). Where these details are not
    available to you state as much in your response.
    ii) Analyse the work sample in terms of:
    the degree to which the text displays the student’s knowledge ofthe field
    the choice oftext type.
    Has the student chosen the type oftext demanded by the context?
    the stages of the text
    Has the student structured the text so it achieves the social purpose effectively?
    the language features ofthe text (cohesion and
    Has the student used the key language features ofthe text effectively?
    the surface features ofthe text (spelling, punctuation,
    layout, presentation)
    Has the student proofread and presented the text effectively?
    iii) Identify the student’s literacy learning needs as
    demonstrated by this work sample, including needs related to:
    field knowledge eg. use oftechnical/specialist terms, symbols and
    knowledge ofthe types oftexts used to display knowledge in your subject area e.g. knowledge of stages typically used to ensure
    these texts achieve their social purpose effectively
    knowledge ofthe language features of relevant text types e.g. features related to text
    cohesion, paragraph structure, grammar (sentence and clause structure, verb groups, noun groups and phrases), spelling and punctuation
    Identify two literacy teaching strategies that could be used to contribute to this student’s literacy development in the context of your
    subject area.(See details in Part 1(3) above).
    Part 2: Planning and programming for the explicit teaching of literacy
    1. Provide an
    outline of a literacy-based unit of work in yourteaching area.
    2.Design a literacy-based assessment task and assessment rubric relevant to
    the unit of work
    3. Prepare a glossary of subject specific vocabulary associated with the unit of work you have prepared.
    4. Prepare a
    literacy-based teaching and learning sequence you could incorporate into your unit of work.
    5. Design and detail in the appendices samples
    of scaffolds, to support students in the development oftheir subject- based literacy knowledge skills and understandings.
    Task description
    Provide a very brief outline of a unit of work which includes a number of strategies for the explicit teaching of literacy in your
    teaching area. (Half an A4 page to a full page will be sufficient).
    Design a literacy – based assessment task and assessment rubric relevant
    to the unit of work, to be given to students at the completion ofthe unit of work.
    Prepare a glossary of subject-specific vocabulary
    associated with the unit of work.
    Prepare a literacy – based teaching and learning sequence you could incorporate into this unit of work in
    orderto support students of a profile the same as, or similarto, the student whose text (work sample) you analysed in Part 1 with the
    successful completion ot the unit ofthe literacy – based assessment task in Part 2.
    Yourteaching sequence should:
    support students as
    they learn to read and/or write a specified ‘text type’ relevant to your subject area
    demonstrate your knowledge ofthe literacy development
    cycle presented in this unit
    incorporate well-designed literacy teaching activities, including activities that put into action the two
    literacy teaching strategies identified in Part 1.
    5. Design and detail in the appendices samples of scaffolds to support students in the
    development oftheir subject-based literacy knowledge skills and understandings.

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