Learning Log

    Learning Log


    Levels of Comprehension: Comprehension is affected by several factors that are related to the reader, level of content/skills and memory. First, level of motivation of reader plays a role in the comprehension process. Next, ones cognitive and metacognitive abilities also play a role in making sense of the the content. What is retained in the long term memory is dependent on the interaction between the knowledge level – taxanomy of learning and the mental processes mentioned above.
    Using Blooms taxonomy, comprehension can be looked at from four levels. Literal, inferential, evaluative and appreciative. Literal of course is the basic level of recalling information. Inferential entails reading between the lines and making connections to previous personal experiences, what is happening on a local and international level. Evaluative level requires the reader to go beyond the reading and to make judgements about authenticity,perspectives presented and gaps and how the information is related to or influenced by the present, past and future . With that level of comprehension comes the ability to appreciate and be responsive to different points of view.
    While knowing the facts and recalling information is important, the objectives of any lesson that involves reading and listening to learn cannot be limited to the knowledge level. Students must be able to interpret the information, and come away with some sense of how new content can be transferred or is applicable in real life situations and/or used to create something new and different.
    Wilhelm sums it up in ‘the arc of inquiry’ (p. 113): The trajectory takes students from factual comprehension, to applicative literacy. This kind of teaching makes what we do matter- to ourselves, our students, and our world – in a way that rarely occurs in schools.
    In order to engage students in the reading, the author suggests the use of prompts used before, during and after reading to get students engaged with text (s) to enhance comprehension during a lesson.
    Look at the prompts on pages 85 – 86 and discuss how you have or intend to use these in the future and the benefits of using prompts before, during and after reading.

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