Lean Six Sigma(LSS)

    a. Summarize Design for Six Sigma. How is it different from traditional design (or is it)?

    b. Summarize Quality Function Deployment. You don?t have to get into the house of quality or great detail but do
    discuss the general aim or purpose and how it is achieved via linked stages from customer desires to production
    setting (and possibly beyond to shipping, sales, delivery, etc.). Some sketching of diagrams might be helpful.
    c. What is a robust design (the Taguchi stuff in the previous assignments might have already got into this; that
    is OK)? What is a noise? What do those terms have to do with LSS?
    d. There are numerous types of modes and effects analyses, e.g., related to accidents, defects, design,
    maintenance, and many others. What do they have in common? Why do them? Risk is going to be part of our answer.
    Why use some sort of risk ranking, ordering, labeling, etc.? Why quantify risk instead of using our intuition or
    e. Select one of the design methods explained in the unit, e.g., DFX or TRIZ that your employer uses or should
    use. Explain. What are the techniques advantages and how does it mesh with LSS?
    f. GRAD STUDENTS: Do one of the following using real data and info (from your work or another source; a past or
    current project). A QFD analysis; a FMEA or risk analysis; a summary of a DFX; or summary of a DOE project.



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