Leading Lean Enterprises Changes

    Leading Lean Enterprises Changes
    NO PLAGIARISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Writea 1050-word paper to assess and resolve resistance to process change.
    Identifyat least two non-standardized processes in your own organization or one you are familiar with that can be documented.
    Addressthe following in your paper: INTRODUCTION & CONCLUSION REQUIRED!
    Describe the two non-standardized processes selected.
    Explain why the non-standardized process should be standardized to help reduce variation. If you think a non-standardized process is OK to utilize explain why and how you will control variation.
    Evaluate challenges that the selected organization may face in implementing the identified lean enterprise improvements. For example examine your DMAIC assignment in Week 3 where you improved a process. What are the barriers to implementing these changes?
    Recommend how your selected organization may resolve resistance to change or overcoming change.
    Explain how management can help organizations facilitate change with empowerment and getting everyone involved.
    Formatyour paper consistent with APA guidelines.
    Usea minimum of 3 differentreferences that are not from the same online text library book or article.

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