Leading and Managing Change: Possibilities and Challenges in the Context of Professional Development

    Leading and Managing Change: Possibilities and Challenges in the Context of Professional Development

    Order Description
    Topic: Leading and Managing Change: Possibilities and Challenges in the Context of Professional Development

    Word length: 5000 words

    The assignment should include:

    Introduction (500 words)
    • Identifying the problem of professional development in the context of leading and managing change.
    • Outline the aims and objectives of your study. Include the main question you will be addressing in the assignment.
    • Explain why this topic is important
    • Context
    • Outline of the study

    Literature Review (3500 words)
    • Structured review of literature relevant to your topic including ideas about change as well as what leading and managing change might mean from a wider perspective.
    • Adopt a thematic approach (avoid writing Bloggs said this, Jones argued that, Smith claimed the other)
    • Definitions
    • Use sub-headings to structure the text
    • Summary (From this review, the following points have been identified)

    Conclusions (1000 words)
    • Return to the main question – what are your findings?
    • Provide an overview of the main outcomes of the study
    • Set out the implications for professional practice
    • Include some recommendations for further work

    To the author: (Please, strongly keep the instructions given above and do not miss any parts of it. Also, a lot of synthesis must be used in the assignment, as the assignment should include much dispute and arguments from different authors. In addition to that, I prefer in- cite references given at the beginning of the sentence, not at the end.)

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