Leading and Management in Health Care Organisation

    There is a piece of work that I wrote about key organisational objective and it’s analysis.
    please look at it because I would like my writing included this information.
    Please could you add this two books to your references that you will use:
    1)Managing change in Health Care by Paul Parkin.
    2)Management & Organisational Behaviour by Laurie J. Mullins.
    3)some Health Journals.
    I will send to you a sheet contain details of my
    Please note my writing is assignment not Research Paper.
    Please the writing will be as one piece of work not to be devided to patch one and patch two.
    Please write in the beginning name of University and name of school and title of model then the needs in patch one and needs in patch two before you starting writing assignment.
    Please note in critical commentary use of nine dimensions leadership.
    also the style of writing of assignment similar to the piece of work attached to this order.

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