
    HSL 4859_Administration in Youth and Family Services Leadership Development Book Reflection/Application Paper

    Purpose: You will read a leadership development book that is relevant to your professional development and career. You can select a book from the list provided or get an alternative choice approved by the instructor. To get an alternative book approved, email the instructor. You should be able to obtain a copy of the selected book from the library. If you prefer to own your own copy, there are cheap options for purchasing, such as abebooks.com. Purchasing the book is not necessary for this assignment. Assignment Overview: You will read the book and write a reflection/application paper. Include two additional resources to support the topics covered in the book. This paper should be 3-4 pages in length with an additional page for references. The following sections must be included (use the following bold text as headings for each section): -Author: History and accomplishments. -Overview of Book: Reflect on the content of the book and provide a summary. -Reflection: Your thoughts about the content including additional support from resources. -Application: How you plan to apply what you learned. Total Points Possible: 100 You will submit this assignment to the appropriate dropbox before the due date. Task/Section Points Possible Writing/Grammar 15 Author Information Section 10 Overview of Book Section 15 Reflection Section with Application of Additional Resources 25 Application Section 20 Additional Resources (2) and Relevance 10 APA Formatting 5

    Total Points 100

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