Leadership your Strengths Finder: What were your top five themes?

    1. What were your top five themes? (Describe each in one or two sentences—try to put it in your own words… I can always read the book! I’m looking for how you are interpreting their meaning.) Based on these results, write a “tell me about yourself” paragraph that you could give in a job interview. Add to this a paragraph (5+ sentences) on YOUR THOUGHTS about the philosophy of focusing on strengths versus weakness as a model for personal leadership development.
    2.Find “Ideas for Action” and pick two for each of your top five themes. Answer the question “How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action plan” (therefore, 10 items total). However, change the date of “action” to the next six months. How can you expand upon your strengths in the next six months to help your career, job, relationships, community involvement, political or religious expression, personal well-being, and other factors related to your definition of strengths? I’m looking for your effort in personalizing this assessment.

    3.Talk to one friend, co-worker, or mentor about how s/he has used their talents to achieve. Conduct a 15-minute interview where your colleague/boss gets to talk about THEMSELVES (not you to express your strengths: keep the focus on the other person). What does s/he have as strengths and how does this person use those strengths? The summary of this interview of another person should be written in about one page. Don’t forget to thank the other person for his or her time. (HINT: THIS COULD BE AN OPPORTUNITY TO INTERVIEW SOMEONE IN A JOB YOU WANT, A FACULTY MEMBER YOU RESPECT, OR MAKE A CONNECTION IN THE “REAL WORLD.

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