leadership theories and models

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    Learning Outcome 1
    Examine a range of current theories and models of leadership and their applicability to different sub-divisions,
    organisations, industries and sectors.
    Sub-outcome 1: Evaluate a range of leadership theories and models that reflect current
    Sub-outcome 2: Explain the expected impact of a range of leadership styles on specific sub-divisions, organisations,
    industries, sectors or industries.
    Project Instructions
    You will work in a team (no more than 3) to complete this project. Student teams
    are required to produce a 1,500 – 2,000 word report.
    You need to:
    Research and describe the differences between management and
    leadership in detail.
    Research and describe a range of current leadership theories and models.
    Evaluate a selection ofthe above
    leadership theories and models and their effects on at least two organisations that you are familiar with.
    You must:
    Link theories
    and models to practical examples from either your own workplace or those of others in your group.
    You must reference properly and marks
    will be awarded for students who try to explain using their own words rather than quoting.
    You need to produce work at a high level to
    represent your current standing within your program of study.
    Content Guide
    Theories, models and styles: universal theories such as
    Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership (Bennis, Bass), Charismatic Leadership (Conger and Kanungo, Shamir, House and Arthur,
    1994), Level 7 Leadership (Collins, 2001).
    Situational theories: eg Tri-dimensional Leadership Theory (Yukl, 2004)
    Emotional intelligence
    (EQ): its influence on leadership effectiveness, drivers; constrainers and enablers (Higgs and Dulewicz); studies on the overall competences
    of leaders such as Dulewicz and Higgs; Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Cognitive (IQ) and Managerial (MO) Competencies.
    Applicability to
    different sub-divisions, organisations, sectors and industries: varying
    importance of factors (eg Zajac, Kraatz and Bresser, 1999) such as
    efficiency, reliability,
    innovation, adaptation and human resources in sectors, organisations and sub-units, size and stage of development
    of organisation eg business start-up versus established business, turnaround leadership, public or private sector, cultural
    Your course textbook
    Other textbooks available through the library
    Other online resources
    This project is
    worth TBA…20°/o…of your final mark for EBMG 413. NB in cases where there is no evidence that the criteria has been met, zero will be
    Submission Guidelines
    You are required to submit this report via the SafeAssign drop box before midnight Tuesday, 28 February….
    There will be a reduction of 10% in your overall grade for each day the written part is late.
    The SafeAssign dropbox is located on your
    BbLearn course website. If you do have problems accessing SafeAssign you may also submit via the course BbLearn and your instructors email
    to achieve the deadline.
    Any extension will only be given prior to the submission deadline.
    Assessment Criteria:
    Criteria 6.5 7.5 8.5 10
    The report is professionally presented (i.e. executive summary, conclusion, one font, page numbers, no borders,
    spell-checked, headings and sub-headings, graphs and diagrams used appropriately). (10 marks)
    1. A minimum of5 key theories and models
    of leadership are described in a logical and coherent fashion. (10 marks)
    2. A minimum ofthree theories or models of leadership have
    been evaluated through examples within at least two organisations. (10 marks)
    3. A minimum of 10 key differences between managers and
    leaders are described with reference to practical examples where appropriate. (10 marks)
    There is a clear link between opinion and
    supporting evidence/examples at all stages ofthe report. (10 marks)
    Arguments are developed in a thorough, logical and precise manner
    and in the oral defence for the lecturer. (10 marks)
    There is clear evidence that all work submitted has been synthesised and presented
    in the students’ own words. (10 marks)
    A range of appropriate resources have been used which include at least 3 ofthe following:
    online articles, paper-based articles, e- books, paper-based books, interviews. (10 marks)
    Direct quotes, ideas/thoughts, from texts
    are clearly in-text APA referenced format. (10 marks)
    The bibliography/reference page is laid out as specified in the APA format and is
    error-free. (10 marks)
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