Leadership Styles in organizations of today

    Research Paper: write a 6-8 page paper according to APA Style formatting, (using Microsoft Word, and Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 inch margins and double space). The body of the paper needs to be at least 1,200 words (3 pages+), in Addition to the title page, abstract, and references pages. You are expected use one peer-reviewed Source.
    Organizational leadership is obviously a very broad subject. The student writing this paper could focus on different leadership theories, leadership styles, attributes of a good leader, or a combination of these things.
    Remember that this is a research paper, not an opinion piece. I want it to be a learning experience for the student. Please don’t just regurgitate a bunch of stuff you already know. Do some new research and make this a valuable use of your time.

    Paper is received on time; answers are complete and well thought out, organized, full sentences, no spelling errors, and grammatical errors rare. Well written, critical, analytical, and informed thinking is evident. Includes APA title page with student?s name, and assignment number. APA Abstract. Shows familiarity with the reading and includes an APA reference page.

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