leadership principles

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    •    5 References

    This is focused on leadership principles. There are a number of books out that list the Leadership Principles of (Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Robert E. Lee, Richard Marchinko, etc.). Each of these books chronicles and dissects what the individual believed about how to lead.

    Particularly in criminal justice today, many advocate a shift in thinking (i.e. a paradigm shift) from administration/management to leadership. There is a difference, and it is significant. As a leader, what are the top ten principles you would ascribe to and lead by? Feel free to avail yourself of any of the below resources as a template or model for this project:
    •    Batura, Gadzooks
    •    Crocker, Robert E. Lee on Leadership
    •    Freedman, Corps Business
    •    Marchinko, Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior
    •    Strock, Reagan on Leadership: Executive Lessons from the Great Communicator
    •    Weiss, Leadership Secrets of Atilla the Hun
    •    Wilkes, Jesus on Leadership

    This is but a partial list of these kinds of books, feel free to use any others that you come across and that spark your interest.

    You must identify your leadership principle and then explain what it means and how it plays out in the real world. Being a great believer in not reinventing the wheel, feel free to borrow from other sources/leaders, but make sure you appropriately reference and identify what the principle means to you and your leadership style.

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