Leadership Development Plan with some specific steps/ideas?

    Leadership Development Plan with some specific steps/ideas?


    Part 1:Vleader Practice and Reflection (approximately 1500 words)
    You will participate in the Virtual Leader (vLeader) simulation, which must be played each time you are assigned to meet with your group in a scheduled computer lab session; to achieve mastery, you should also play additional times. The simulation has five Scenarios that depict realistic situations in a typical workplace where leaders interact with other individuals and groups. The challenge is learning which leadership styles will be most successful given situational and interpersonal factors, as well as determining the appropriate levels of power, influence, and ideas. For background information, refer to the materials in the Workbook and articles posted online.
    Your vLeader simulation achievement will be evaluated on the following components:

    (1) Complete the assigned Scenario at least once in your OB Lab session for verification and play each of the five Scenarios a minimum of THREE times on time according to schedule using each leadership style – as defined by vLeader dialogue turns and meeting length, up to a maximum of EIGHT times.
    EIGHT plays is the recommended level to achieve mastery. Playing the minimum of THREE times will earn you a passing mark of 40 on this aspect; you must play more to achieve the highest possible mark. You should play each Scenario up to EIGHT times for full learning and mastery. You will have to play vLeader outside of the scheduled computer lab sessions in order to achieve this number of plays by the deadlines.
    (2) You should also submit a 1,500 word reflective report highlighting your learning outcomes from playing scenarios. For each scenario, you are required to reflect on:
    • What effective steps did you undertake to resolve this scenario?
    • What were the key learning points from this scenario?
    • What leadership insights/academic theory supports your conclusion?
    Keep in mind-The score you achieve on each play is not the most important outcome by itself. We do not "mark" each time you log on or play vLeader, nor do we look only at the highest score, the last score, or the average score. It is a combination of all of the above – and most importantly, whether you can interpret, explain, discuss, and apply what you have learned.
    Part 2:Awareness and Assessment: Your Leader Self-Insights (approximately 500 words)
    You are required to complete the assigned sequence of self-assessment exercises called Leader’s SelfInsight (copies of these are to be found in the core textbook by Richard Daft, and they will also be posted online for your access). These exercises relate to aspects of your leadership abilities, attributes, and potential for continued development. First, you must complete and report the results (scores or other indicators) for each Leader’s Self-Insight. Then, you will write a brief interpretation of what this means for you (using at least five assessments), along with an integrating conclusion. Choose the FIVE assessments that you feel are most insightful and (or) relevant to your continuing leadership development plan. Of course, you are welcome to write interpretations for more than five assessments if you wish.
    Part 3 : Integration and Extension: Personalised Leadership Approach& Development Plan (approximately 2000 words)
    This section is the conclusion of the Portfolio – for the present moment. Here you are asked to incorporate your learning feedback from the foregoing part 1 (your vLeader Reflective Learning Journal entries) and part 2 (the Leader Self-Insights you chose to summarise) into a holistic and unified representation of what leadership means to you in your daily life and ongoing career. The focal point of Part 3 is your own Personal Model of leadership. Suggested steps:
    (1) Your Personal Model. Create a model that depicts the most important factors and influences on your personal approach to effective leadership. This is the model to which you aspire as you continue your leadership development – it may or may not be the same as the model that you are currently using. Typically, your model will contain things that you are currently doing as well as things that you are continuing to develop toward an ideal future.
    (2) Thorough explanation of all elements in your Personal Model. Explain the details/links of your Personal Model and clearly identify each part of the model (write a label / description) and indicate the relationships among the various parts. These parts of your model are entirely up to you – for example, you may wish to consider your experiences and observations, your current skills and ongoing developmental activities, and your own personal mission (values) and vision.


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