Leadership Analysis Paper

    Select an activity/event/experience of a college student group and submit a 35
    page leadership metaanalysis..
    Learning Objectives:
    ● Students will be able to recognize their personal role and beliefs of leadership with increased
    and how it relates to others
    ● Students will be able to synthesize theories, practices, and/or topics they have learned in class.
    ● Students will use credible sources and properly cited information to support their argument.

    Detailed Instructions:
    Each of us stands in a particular relationship to the world. For some of us, the most salient standpoint is race; for others, it’s gender; for still others, it is class. The only way you can truly understand the people with whom you work is to understand your standpoint. This standpoint has a tremendous influence on how you relate to the theory and practice of leadership. Attend an activity/event/experience on campus which involves a student group (e.g., by race, SES Class, sexual orientation, ablebodiness, political persuasion, etc.) with whom you are unfamiliar. If you have any concerns about selecting your organization you should discuss your selection with your LDR 210 instructors at the start of the semester. You should find out the name, purpose, mission, leadership practices, and activities of the organization.

    Grading Criteria:
    Prepare a 3 to 5 page paper critically examining the perspective you experienced. Include in your analysis a discussion of your experience and how this helps and/or hinders your leadership style/practice. Perform an
    analysis of:
    ● What you observed/learned about the organization and/or during the activity that was similar to your current leadership beliefs/attitudes/practices?
    ● What you learned/observed about the organization and/or during the activity that differed from your own current beliefs/attitudes/practices?
    ● How this experience has affected your beliefs, attitudes, and practices of leadership moving forward?
    A minimum of four (4) class topics and/or theories(like path goal theory/ ethcial leadership/emotional intellegence/servant leadership) to support your argument/beliefs/attitudes/practices.. This is
    a research paper in which all perspectives must be supported through examples and appropriate analysis. A
    minimum of 3 sources must be used for the paper. All content and sources must be appropriately cited and
    follow APA format.

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