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    Business Leadership & Business Integration/Strategic Management Final Project
    The owners of XYZ Construction Inc. are nearly ready to proceed with their Initial Public Offering (IPO). The last remaining item that is needed is the strategic plan that pulls together all of the information that you have produced thus far along with the leadership and business integration requirements. Your final task for the owners group is to produce the required strategic plan.

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    Activity Resources:

    Read Chapters 15 and 17 in the SKS 7000—Executive Concepts in Business Strategy textbook.
    Review as you deem necessary the additional resources listed for this topical area included within the syllabus for this business topic.
    Berzi?š, G. (2012).
    George, B., & Delcoure, N. (2011).
    Nartisa, I., Putans, R., & Muravska, T. (2012).
    Qureshi, K. A., & Dawood, M. (2007).
    Song, M., Im, S., Bij, H. v. d., & Song, L. Z. (2011).
    Spotlight on Skills: Develop Your Logical Thinking Skills
    In this activity, and in many other activities here at the University, you will be called upon to present your ideas, make arguments, and defend a point of view. All of this calls for logical thinking skills that provide the framework for presenting an argument. Review Jones,R. (2010) article to learn more about what constitutes a good argument.
    Jones,R. (2010). Finding the good argument or why bother with logic? Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, 156-179. http://writingspaces.org/sites/default/files/jones–finding-the-good-argument.pdf

    Main Task: Design a Strategic Management Plan Presentation
    For this final assignment, you will develop and write a strategic plan that describes, discusses, and analyzes the elements of the strategic plan. Your presentation should outline the goals and strategies for the operations of the company. Specifically, you must describe, discuss, and analyze the following components of the strategic plan:

    a) Marketing
    b) Workforce and Operational Management
    c) Organizational Structure
    d) International Operations
    e) Financial and Accounting Management
    f) Compliance and Legal Considerations
    g) Internal Control and Evaluation
    h) Information Technology
    i) Leadership

    In addition to the textbook material for this course (properly cited within the paper), you must also use at least five (5) peer reviewed journal articles. Use the on-line library to search for and obtain journal articles for this assignment. Websites and other non-peer-reviewed references may be used (and properly cited in APA format), but these supplemental references are not counted toward the requirement of at least five peer-reviewed journal references.

    Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

    Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate reference slide)

    Notes Length: 200-350 words for each slide

    Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information. Upload the completed assignment in the Activities area of the course.

    Learning Outcome: 10

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