Law state and constitution Research Paper

    I have to submit it before the due date so I need an hour to submit it online. This class is Law state and constitution class and it is 2nd year law class in canada carleton university. There are 5 hours and 30 mins of lecture videos that are required to write the paper however mostly from the readings that are not that long however still long, they are on my school page called culearn on google, when you login to it, you will see the list of the courses on the bottom, please use VPN to hide my identity, and when you see Law state and constitution on the bottom click in and you will see as you school down there will be readings, just the first 3 weeks readings are relevant to paper and the paper topic will be available on saturday 26th 9 am and you will have 24 hours. This paper is 20 percent of my final mark and fairly important. So if you guys see that paper don’t require the lecture go ahead but as my prof touched on first class he will be boosting the grade up to the answers that are also combining knowledge from lectures. Thank you, please ask more info if you need.

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