In January, in preparation for her decree absolute celebrations in May, Sandra agreed to hire Mr Jordan?s vintage, white limousine to transport her to the hotel, where friends were throwing a party for her.

    Her friends had engaged Mr Drake to take the photographs of the whole evening and a friend, Lindsey was lined up to do the catering. She explained to Mr Jordan that she was rather short of money at that moment in time but that she would pay in full one month prior to the celebration date.

    A week before the event, Mr Jordan sold the limousine to Martin. He told him that he would only sell the car to him at the agreed low sale price if he ensured that it was available for Sandra?s celebration evening.

    When Sandra contacted Martin the day before, to ensure that the car would arrive at the correct time, Martin denied any knowledge of an arrangement to supply her with the car and she was forced to hire another vehicle at a greater cost. She told Martin that she intended to sue him for the inconvenience caused due by his breach of contract!

    On the evening of the celebrations, Mr Drake?s camera kept jamming and as a result, the photographs didn?t come out. It seems the film was not winding on correctly.

    Sandra, her new partner James and many of the guests were violently sick and became very ill after eating chicken which, unknown to Lindsey was contaminated with salmonella.

    Sandra made quite a scene and after screaming her dissatisfaction at all present, vowed to ?sue the pants off? all those who had ruined her celebrations for her!!!

    Advise ALL

    Include all appropriate Legislation, Case-law, Contract and associated details.

    All work should be referenced and submitted through Turnitin on Blackboard Learning for BU1005
    1. Advice Sandra as the main person
    Advice Martin

    Advice Mr Jordan

    Advice Drake

    Advice Lindsey

    2. Do they have any defence

    Cases related to contract and negligence

    3. Types of congrats

    Bi Latera/ Uni Lateral

    4. Be Subjective by discussing issues that are brought into question by the events within the scenario.

    5. Third party rights/ Privity of contract
    Invitation to treat (example within the scenario)

    In this scenario would the contract be verbal/ written
    *verbal contracts are usually not valid without a witness or some sort of paperwork in this scenario e.g. email, invoice

    6. Consideration
    *the benefit and detriment of each party

    7. Breach of contract (in relation to scenario)

    8. A duty of care
    * Caterer ( salmonella issues) should be responsible

    9. The Neighbour Principle
    *General consideration


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