
    Revising Techniques in Crime Scene Processing
    Project description
    The writing assignment will consist of analyzing an “evidence collection†guidebook and recommending updates. The guidebook is created for law enforcement professionals and distributed by the National Criminal Justice Review Service. The guidebook accepted for this assignment is as follows:
    “Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement, (January 2000)
    Focusing on Section C Processing the Sceneâ€
    Review Section C in the guide book and identify the areas that require revision for “Processing the Scene”.
    As part of this process, research more recent collection techniques and analysis methods utilized in the field. The submitted document must contain the following:
    1. Explanation of what topics need to be updated in the guidebook.
    2. Explanation of why the topics need to be updated and how this revision will affect the forensic science/criminal justice community as it relates to evidence collection and preservation.
    3. Explanation of how specifically you would update those topics (i.e., how you would revise the text to be relevant regarding current evidence collection techniques).
    The paper should be written in narrative form with a logical flow. In other words, do not simply list a topic from the guidebook and follow it with comments regarding that topic.

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