

    Case Scenario Budget

    The Governor of Colorado was just elected in his state. In his campaign speech he stressed, “State government was too big”. He pledged to cut back on state spending simply by down sizing state government. By doing so, he encouraged the Legislative Budget Committee to scale back and cut spending. Moreover, you have just been promoted to the Administrative Director of Courts for the State Judicial System. You recently met with the Judges Association and the Judicial Budget Committee and they willfully demanded that you do not cut their employees because they are currently understaffed and cannot meet deadlines as it is. For what it is worth, you have only a few days to come up with a budget that will meet the needs for the people of Colorado and the 601 employees who work for you. Read the below scenario and plan accordingly. And remember a good manager knows how to; 1. Manage Money 2. Manage People 3. Manage Time. Don’t be afraid to hurt people’s feelings when it comes to saying no. Work with what you got. Cut spending where it needs cutting. And most of all, “think outside the box”.

    Case Scenario Budget

    In January 2012 the Legislative Budget Committee budgeted $34,178,271.00 for the State Judicial Systems upcoming fiscal year (FY 2013). Everything was going as planned and in harmony. Unfortunately, during 2011, revenues for the state were in dire straights and the state was in a financial crisis. Budgets from every state agency were slashed like never before. The Prison system lost 22% for their 2013 budget, Department of Pardons & Parole were cut 18% and it looked grim for smaller state agencies. On the last day before the Legislators closed their sessions at the State House, the State Budget Committee concluded that the Judicial System was short on their projected budget. The Department of Revenue proved that the State Judicial System missed their projections based on the Fair Trail Tax by 11%.

    You personally met with the Legislative Budget Committee yesterday and they handed you a budget of $25,609,271.00 which was $8,569,000.00 short of what you had previously received from last year.

    In the Column listed “2013 Budget” you must come up with a way to budget the $25,609,271.00 for the State Judicial System. What approach(s) will you take? What steps will you take to overcome “crisis management”? What strategic planning efforts will you do? Your job depends on it.

    You will need to think the process out in order to come up with a sound budget. Throwing numbers around is easy on paper but the question is will it work? You must explain the reason(s) you cut from the Line Items and in return a brief description on how this will affect your infrastructure. To make matters worse, the following personnel cannot be eliminated: Elected Judges and Elected Court Clerks.


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