
    Final Essay
    Write a 2–3 page essay in response to each of the four questions below. Submit each response separately in a single Word document. The responses should be written in an essay style (introduction, discussion, and conclusion); with proper punctuation, citations, grammar, and spelling; and formatting (page numbers, title page, and references at the end of the response).

    The essays should be written with correct punctuation and grammar. The answers also should be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate your knowledge of the topics raised by the question. At a minimum the essay should include some direct discussion of your course textbook and the applicable ‘Readings in Criminal Justice’ articles (with proper citation).

    1.Your supervisor has asked that you explain under what circumstances you would use a questionnaire as opposed to an interview to collect data?
    •Describe both of these approaches.

    •Discuss the pros and cons for each data collection method.

    •Discuss the factors that need to be considered when conducting survey research (sample, question construction, type of questions, and response rates).

    2.What is the major advantage of field research?
    •Discuss the two basic components of field research: observation and interviews (asking questions).

    •Address the four approaches to field research (participant, participant observer, observer participant, and complete observer).

    •Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of field research.

    •Provide examples to support your arguments.

    3.What are two types of sampling designs in field research?
    •Describe the two general types of sampling techniques.

    •Discuss the specific types within each category.

    •Address the benefits and limitations of each general technique.

    •Provide examples of when one approach is better than the other.

    4.A fellow researcher asks that you join her in performing secondary data analysis on Department of Justice Data relevant to traffic stops and racial profiling. What questions would you ask her relevant to the nature of the data in order for you to determine if the study is feasible; consequently, allowing you to choose an appropriate research methodology?
    •Describe describe secondary data analysis and evaluability assessments/feasibility studies.

    •Discuss the questions and/or issues addressed with evaluability assessments.

    •Describe the feasibility study questions that would be relevant for a racial profiling. evaluation utilizing secondary data. The paper needs to be 6 to 7 pages long

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