Latin American History

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    Latin American History

    Paper instructions:
    Write a well-developed and well-supported essay in which you analyze one important theme, or big

    issue from our “Black in Latin America” film. Describe that issue in detail, give the proper historical

    background and discuss why the ways that issue is important for our understanding of this very

    important topic.
    Examples of themes that these films deal with: 1) how does the slave trade affect each of those

    countries-Brazil, Haiti,the Dominican Republic? 2) In what ways do African cultures (music, dance,

    language…)reshape those countries?
    Discuss in light of “transculturation”;3) How does each nation define “blackness” and what are some

    consequences of that?(these are but 3 examples of the
    themes that these films deal with-there are lots more).
    Describe in detail this big theme that you chose; give the proper historical background; and tell us

    why it is important for the study
    of the Americas.
    Only has to be about 2 paragraphs long with good detailed information.
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