Language acquisition nature verses nurture

    Write a 2000 word essay on the following topic ” one of the great psychological issues of the 20th century has focused around the nature verses nurture debate. that is is it biology or environment that influences our psychological processes? Discuss this issue in regard to language.

    The essay is to include a APA reference list and this list is excluded in the word count.

    The prescribed text is Psychology, 3rd Australian and New Zealand Edition; Burton, Westen, Kowalski and this should be used within the essay.

    Clearly introduce the topic and the structure of the essay
    make a clear statement in the introduction about what the argument in the essay will be
    give a comprehensive coverage of the literature you have chosen as your references
    make sure the developed argument is based on logic and evidence not just on personal opinion or popular belief

    Marking Criteria – will be assessed on the level of:

    comprehensiveness of the literature
    variety of theories read and understood
    range and quality of resources used
    quality of introduction and conclusion of the essay
    quality of presentation – includes appropriate use of APA referencing style, grammar, spelling and punctuation
    quality of argument – includes clarity, cohesiveness and ability to critically evaluate the literature i.e point out areas of debate or contradiction.

    High Distinction:

    demonstrates a deep understanding of sources through high-level analyses of articles (including methodology, findings, conclusions, limitations and theoretical arguments where appropriate)
    Wide variety of theories are identified and clearly described and also effectively used in the development of logical arguments. Demonstrates creativity by providing unexpected arguments or perspective
    Extensive range of resources showing evidence of wide reading and use of high quality journal articles.
    Introduction clearly describes the position of the essay and the conclusion clearly reinforces such argument
    Effective development of argument and critical evaluation of resources
    Quality of presentation is faultless including use of APA formatting and writing style.

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