Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes

    1. Identify the main theme in one or more of Langston Hughes’s poems and explain how one or more of the following elements informs that theme: humor, irony, tone, style, or diction.

    2. Through an analysis of one or more poems by Hughes, discuss his views on racial identity.
    “Winter Dreams”

    1. Explain how self-creation, social status, and the idea of “success” inform the major theme of “Winter Dreams.”
    2. Trace how Fitzgerald reveals the character of Judy Jones over the course of the story. Comment in particular on how a dream-to- disillusion theme is central to the story.
    “The Rich Boy”

    1. Find and explicate a passage that you feel gives the best insight into Anson’s character.

    2. Define what you believe a.) Anson learns over the course of the story and b.) what the narrator learns over the course of the story, and compare and contrast what each character comes to realize.

    “Their Eyes Were Watching God”
    1. Describe Janie’s relationship to her Grandmother Nanny. What values or beliefs does her grandmother voice and how are Janie’s deviations from those values or beliefs integral to the development of her character over the course of the novel?

    2. Describe and analyze a.) Janie’s relationship with Logan Killicks, and b.) Janie’s relationship with Joe Starks. Explain how each of these relationships shapes the development of Janie’s character in the novel.

    3. Describe and analyze Janie’s relationship with Tea Cake. To what extent does she achieve a sense of self-hood or self-realization through this relationship? In your view, does the novel depict the emergence of a “liberated” or “empowered” woman? How do you think your opinion on this matter would be different from someone reading the novel in 1937?

    4. Choose a core passage from the novel to analyze and comment on its larger thematic significances.

    5. Examine Hurston’s creative use of language, dialect, and imagery. Find at least three examples of what you would term a beautiful, unique, imaginative, or a poetic use of language in the novel and comment on what you think such language reveals about the characters or general themes in the novel.


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