Landscapes of the Great Lakes

    1. Visit the Great Lakes Atlas online and read the geological history of the Great Lakes.
    2. Search out Environment Canada’s Great Lakes website (Canadian) and the Great Lakes Information Network
    (American) website. Find information that summarizes the physical features of each of the 5 Great Lakes. For each
    lake provide the following: low water datum; length; breadth; shoreline length; total surface area; area within
    Canada; and the average surface elevation. Define Bathymetry. Find a website from which you can view Great Lakes
    Bathymetry, print out a bathymetric map and comment on the underwater topography of each lake.
    3. Visit the Canadian Hydrographic Service website and find information on Great Lakes water levels. You should be
    able to get both the historical levels and the predicted levels. Summarize the history of the fluctuations in the
    water levels making specific comments on: the calculation of a datum; the record high levels; the record low
    levels; and, the variations that occur from lake to lake. Comment on predicted levels for the next year.
    4. Select a one of the following and write a summary of its definition, its importance, its history, and its
    contribution to the Landscapes of the Great Lakes Basin.

    A) AOC B) IJC C) Diversions D) GLWQA E) SOLEC

    5. What about climate change in the Great Lakes Basin? What do present models predict and what would be the
    physical, social and economic impacts?



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