Labor Laws and Unions

    HRM 531 HRM 531 WEEK 2 Labor Laws and Unions

    HRM 531 HRM 531 WEEK 2 Labor Laws and Unions

    4. Individual Writing Assignment. Title: A Company’s
    Unionization Process, Part I — Job Analysis.

    The CEO of the American Widget
    Company has taken a new strategic direction. The company will become unionized. In an essay, you are to discuss legal issues and the
    differences between the governing bodies that mandate these laws. In addition,
    you will demonstrate an understanding of unionization that includes answering
    key questions about job analysis and job descriptions for the company.

    In total, there are four parts to complete in this
    assignment that continues through the end of course. The present assignment is
    Part I. Consider this writing assignment a “building process” that tells a
    story of American Widget’s unionization process.

    Due Date: Day Six.

    Review materials on your Materials page.

    ·Write a 700- to 1,000-word essay:

    several job descriptions for American Widget Company.

    What are the
    organization’s benefits of joining a union.
    possible litigation areas and how to minimize them.
    the governing federal, state, and local employment laws that apply or
    could be broken.

    Addressing the
    process, benefits, and effects of unionization on the

    Note: APA
    “formatting” is not required for this essay per se. You, however, must use
    a title page, reference page, and cite in the text and bibliography as
    appropriate according to APA style. To improve research skills, you will
    provide a minimum of three peer-reviewed citations. Correct grammar and
    formal English are required. Include a copy of the Certificate of

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