L101 American Labor History

    L101 American Labor History

    American labor relations in the contemporary United States are shaped, in a formal, legal, and practical sense, by or National Labor Relations Act of 1935, also known as the Wagner Act, and the subsequent revision of that act in the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. Given what we have learned about American labor history, and work relations, evaluate both the Wagner Act and Taft-Hartley, and discuss how they can be understood within the history of American workers, and the wider history of American society. Focus your attention on questions like: who supported each law? Why were these laws passed, what conditions led to each? How does each fit, or not fit, with the American system, and traditional notions of work, labor, and the relationship between bosses and workers? How does each act, or both, make sense in the light of American labor history, and how does each fit with subsequent developments? Would labor radicals like the IWW have approved of the Wagner Act? Would American businessmen? What is the state of each law today and of labor relations?

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