Knowledge Managament

    Knowledge Managament
    “Knowledge Management”
    Write a one (1) page paper which addresses the following questions below. Each question must be placed as a Section Heading Topic within the paper (for example: Question #1, would be the topic and below the topic in a separate paragraph would follow the response to the question)
    1. Loyalty programs are programs that recognize customers who repeatedly use services or buy products offered by a company. Examples include Bi-Lo’s Bonus Card, Kroger’s VIP card, frequent flyers, etc. Determine the risks associated with loyalty programs and identify the risk that is of most concern to you and why.

    2. Imagine you are a CTO of a large enterprise and have been tasked with choosing an ERP system for your organization. Compare and contrast commercial ERP systems to open source ERP systems focusing on flexibility and extensibility, supported platforms, support, and intellectual property issues. Describe the one you would choose and why

    3. Include three (3) external peer-reviewed sources from the last five (5) years to support the content of the paper (i.e. E-journals, Academic journals, Harvard Peer Review Journals, Journal of Management, etc.,) to support your position (No Newspaper articles or magazine articles).

    Assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA style format.

    “Knowledge Management”
    Write a one (1) page paper which addresses the following questions below. Each question must be placed as a Section Heading Topic within the paper (for example: Question #1, would be the topic and below the topic in a separate paragraph would follow the response to the question)
    1. Loyalty programs are programs that recognize customers who repeatedly use services or buy products offered by a company. Examples include Bi-Lo’s Bonus Card, Kroger’s VIP card, frequent flyers, etc. Determine the risks associated with loyalty programs and identify the risk that is of most concern to you and why.

    2. Imagine you are a CTO of a large enterprise and have been tasked with choosing an ERP system for your organization. Compare and contrast commercial ERP systems to open source ERP systems focusing on flexibility and extensibility, supported platforms, support, and intellectual property issues. Describe the one you would choose and why

    3. Include three (3) external peer-reviewed sources from the last five (5) years to support the content of the paper (i.e. E-journals, Academic journals, Harvard Peer Review Journals, Journal of Management, etc.,) to support your position (No Newspaper articles or magazine articles).

    Assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA style format.

    • Also, please check against Plagiarism software



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