Key Account Management

    This is a 1,000 words academic essay. The essay needs to be written to a good standard of English, and supported by academic references. Select 1 or more companies (Business to Business) to use as a case study; also think of scenarios to use as examples. In this respect, you will need to conduct some research in industry / market reports in addition to the academic research. The topic of the essay is key account management, and you are required to address the following questions:

    1. In what ways can the two parties to a business to business relationship (buyer (s) and sellers (s)) protect their interests, and ensure that the deliverables of their relationships (e.g. Service Level Agreements) are achieved? (30 Marks) (300 Words Approx)

    2. In a business to business relationship, conflicts may arise between the parties to the relationship (e.g. supplier (s) and customer (s)) from strategic issues, e.g. pricing strategies to be implemented in respect to third party customers or markets, or practical issues, e.g. service levels (inability to deliver goods or services as agreed). What is the role of a Key Account Manager when these conflicts occur between the two parties? (40 Marks) (400 Words Approx)

    3. How can account managers facilitate the interaction and successful work of two collaborating teams in the two interacting companies – supplier (s) and buyer (s)? (30 Marks) (300 Words Approx)
    1. This is a argumentative essay, so there are two sides to the argument which also has to be backed up by using academic references.
    2. Minimum of 20 Harvard references including Journals, books, case studies

    Marking Criteria:
    1. Evidence of research;
    2. Understanding of theory (relational selling and KAM)
    3. A well developed argument;
    4. Argument supported by references;
    5. Presentation and writing style

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