Kaplan GB570 unit 2-5 assignment (all assignments and discussions)

    Unit 2 assignment

    Target Corporation’s Supply Chain

    The purpose of this assignment is to confirm understanding of a supply chain and its relationship to the demand chain by analyzing Target Corporation’s supply chain and assessing if it meets demand chain expectations.


    • Use the APA formatted Microsoft Word document template in Doc Sharing as the starting point.
    • Write a 5-6 pages paper (exclusive of the Title and References pages) describing Target Corporation’s Supply Chain based upon the information in Chapters 6 and 7 of the Walters and Rainbird (2007 textbook (especially Figure 6.2 on page 155) and from additional resources from the Unit 2 reading materials.
    • Include an assessment of the efficiency of Target’s supply chain and whether the Supply Chain supports its Demand Chain.
    • Apply and citeat leastthree supportive, relevant and respected resources within your paper using APA in-text citation formatting and list the applied on a References page using APA formatting.
    • Submit your Microsoft Word document into the Unit 2 Dropbox.

    Unit 3 assignment

    Effective Value Chain equals Competitive Advantage

    The purpose of this assignment is to confirm understanding of the direct correlation between an effective value chain and a firm’s competitive advantage.


    1. Use the APA formatted Microsoft Word document template in Doc Sharing: “Unit 3: Effective Value Chain equals Competitive Advantage Assignment” as the starting point.
    2. Write a 5-6 pages paper (exclusive of the Title and References pages) making a compelling argument as to why an effective value chain creates competitive advantage.
      1. Examine the concepts of a Value Chain, Competitive Advantage and Customer Delight.
      2. Discuss the inter-relationship of the three elements.
      3. Provide examples of companies that have been successful in this integration and at least one that has not.
    3. Apply and citeat leastthree supportive, relevant and respected resources within your paper using APA in-text citation formatting and list the applied references on a References page using APA formatting.
    4. Submit your MS Word document into the Unit 3 Dropbox

    Unit 4

    Value Chain Analysis

    The main purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organization. The intent is to review the present, or relatively recent value chain of the company selected in the Unit 2 Value Chain Analysis Discussion. Use the Walters and Rainbird (2007) text and at least five additional relevant respected resources to support the value chain analysis. Use the APA formatted MS Word document template as the starting point for writing a 10-12 page paper (not including Title or References pages).

    Please see the project directions below.

    Value Chain Analysis

    The main purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organization. The intent is to review the present, or relatively recent value chain of the company selected in the Unit 2 Value Chain Analysis Discussion. Use the Walters and Rainbird (2007) text and at least five additional relevant respected resources to support the value chain analysis. Use the APA formatted MS Word document template as the starting point for writing a 10-12 page paper (not including Title or References pages).

    Customer-focused companies benefit from analyzing their value chain as the process allows them to understand customer expectations, purchasing responses, product-service use, and accept that they are unlikely themselves to posses all of the resources to service customer needs.

    When conducting a value chain analysis, customers and their characteristics are studied, and their needs and wants, identified. These expectations form the basis for thedemand chain. Asupply chaindesign must be cost effective and respond to the expectations of the demand chain and the value proposition. Together, the demand chain and supply chain process and management comprise the value chain.

    The following outline is based upon Figure 1.1 on page 19 of the Walters and Rainbird (2007) text. This outline is also included in the APA formatted Microsoft Word template in Doc Sharing.

    1. Value Chain Analysis
      1. Demand Chain Analysis
        1. Identification of customer, market, wants and needs
        2. Market Opportunity Analysis
        3. Identification and Analysis of Value Drivers
      2. Value Proposition
        1. Value Proposition as related to Demand Chain
        2. Value Proposition as related to Supply Chain
      3. Supply Chain Analysis
        1. Value Production and Coordination
        2. Value Delivery
        3. Value Servicing
      4. Enterprise Value
        1. Industry Drivers
        2. Competitive Advantage
        3. Customer Delight
      5. Conclusion

    Submit your completed Value Chain Analysis into the Unit 4 Dropbox.

    Unit 5 project

    The main purpose of this assignment is to assess avaluechainfor its effectiveness. The intent is to assess the outcome of thevaluechainanalysis completed in unit 4.

    Assessing avaluechainoffers management the means to evaluate existing and new strategic opportunities. Completing an assessment of avaluechainanalysis provides insights into how opportunities might be pursued while identifying potential problems to be addressed. The point of the assessment is toidentifyoptimal solutions, i.e., solutions acceptable to customers, suppliers, employees and investors.

    Becausevalueis derived from customer needs, activities that do not contribute to meet these needs are considerednon-valueadded waste. One requirement when assessing avaluechainis considering the tasks and functions that occur to eliminate any non-valueadded waste. By streamlining the processes that generate the goods and services that customersvalue, fewer resources need to be expended and the margins between customervalueand the cost of delivery increase thereby improving a firm’s profit margin. One of the requirements in this assignment is toidentifynon-valueadded waste in thevaluechainand recommend how to eliminate it from thevaluechain

    Another objective when assessing avaluechainis to extend the competitive advantage of thevaluedelivery system, not merely to meet levels of competitive necessity. By addressing specificvaluedrivers, it becomes possible to target addedvaluetowards surpassing specific customer expectations.

    See the project directions below for a possible outline of theValueChainAssessment Presentation.

    Submit your completedvaluechainassessment into the Unit 5Dropbox.

    ValueChainAssessment Presentation

    The main purpose of this assignment is to assess avaluechainfor its effectiveness. The intent is to assess the outcome of thevaluechainanalysis completed in unit 4.

    Assessing avaluechainoffers management the means to evaluate existing and new strategic opportunities. Completing an assessment of avaluechainanalysis provides insights into how opportunities might be pursued while identifying potential problems to be addressed. The point of the assessment is toidentifyoptimal solutions, i.e., solutions acceptable to customers, suppliers, employees and investors.

    Becausevalueis derived from customer needs, activities that do not contribute to meet these needs are considered non-valueadded waste. One requirement when assessing avaluechainis considering the tasks and functions that occur to eliminate any non-valueadded waste. By streamlining the processes that generate the goods and services that customersvalue, fewer resources need to be expended and the margins between customervalueand the cost of delivery increase thereby improving a firm’s profit margin. One of the requirements in this assignment is toidentifynon-valueadded waste in thevaluechainand recommend how to eliminate it from thevaluechain

    Another objective when assessing avaluechainis to extend the competitive advantage of thevaluedelivery system, not merely to meet levels of competitive necessity. By addressing specificvaluedrivers, it becomes possible to target addedvaluetowards surpassing specific customer expectations.

    Using the outline below as your guide, prepare a 10-12 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation; (not including Title slide, List of Contents slide, or References slides). Use the main slide area for the main points and the notes section for elaboration and application and citation of at least five relevant and respected supportive references. Not only is this presentation a graded Dropbox assignment, it will also be shared with the class as an attachment to your main discussion response in the Unit 6ValueChainAssessment Discussion.

    Here is a possible outline to address the requirements of theValueChainAssessment presentation:

    Slide 1: Title slide

    Slide 2: List of Presentation’s Contents

    Slide 3: Introduction (state the purpose of presentation)

    Slides 4 -5: Recap theValueChainAnalysis (from the Unit 4 paper)

    Slide 6: Recommend how to eliminate waste in thevaluechain

    Slide 7: Statement of your determination if theValueChainis effective at this time

    Slides 8-10 – Defend your determination of effectiveness of thevaluechainby including an assessment of theValueChain’s components

    Slides 11-12 – Recommendations and suggestions for improvement to a futureValueChain

    Slide 13: Summary slide – Recap of the presentation

    Slide 14: References – using APA, list all references applied and cited in the notes section of the presentation.

    This is the 2-3 page assignment…

    Unit 5 assignment


    The purpose of this assignment: to gain an understanding of currentlyusedenterprisetechnologiesusedtomanagethevaluechaininorganizations.

    1. Do internet research related toenterprisetechnologies.
    2. Identifyanenterprisetechnologyusedinorganizationstodaythat isusedtomanagethevaluechain.
    3. Describe how your chosenenterprisetechnologysupportsvaluechainmanagement and include an example.
    4. Discuss your opinion about thevalueof yourenterprisetechnologyexample and if you think it appropriately addressed optimal management of thevaluechain.
    5. Use the APA formatted Microsoft Word document template as the starting point for writing a 2-3 page paper plus title and references page.
    6. Apply and cite at least three supportive resources from our textbook and from the internet; within your paper and on a references page.



    The Demand Chain

    A demand chain is an interconnected series of business processes and activities designed so firms can understand, manage and motivate customer demand in markets within the firm’s current and potential capabilities and product range. If a firm does not understand its demand chain, it is impossible for the firm to design an effective supply chain. A value chain is essentially the demand chain plus the supply chain. Although presented as two distinct areas for analysis, in reality the demand chain and the supply chain must be harmonious, especially at the point of achieving theValue Proposition(refer to Figure 1.1 on page 19 of the Walters and Rainbird (2007) textbook for an illustration).

    Required Reference Materials

    For this discussion assignment it is required thatat leasttwo resources from our Unit 2 reading be applied and cited, both within the response and at the end of the response (using APA formatting).

    The main purpose of this discussion assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of a demand chain, in the student’s own words and by applying and citing relevant supportive references. The response should be based upon the student’s experience and the knowledge gained from reading Unit 2’s assigned reading. The content should include:

    1. An explanation of a demand chain
    2. An identification of the constituent parts of a demand chain
    3. Why a business should understand the constituent parts of their demand chain
    4. A description of how a demand chain is created
    5. A description of how a demand chain can be beneficially used
    6. An example of a demand chain
      1. Choose a Fortune 500 company (not on the GB570 project list) and describe its demand chain.
    7. The description should be supported by at least two applied and cited references from the Unit 2 reading materials. Additionally cite any other references used when creating the response and apply APA style and formatting.


    Project Discussion

    The Unit 2 Project Discussion involves everyone in the class. You will post your choice of the company you will analyze and assess. Select one company from a predefined list of choices as described in the file below. In this discussion, you will share information; about yourchoice and about the potential resources that might be used to achieve requirements described in the Unit 4 Individual Project Paper: Value Chain Analysis, and the Unit 5 Individual Project Presentation: Value Chain Assessment.

    The specific requirements for this Unit 2 Project Discussion arelisted here.In Unit 6, we will reconvene to review our Unit 5 assessment presentation and to bring closure to our Value Chain Analysis and Assessment adventure.


    Unit 3

    Discussion 1 of 2

    Competitive Advantage and the Value Chain

    Write a 350-500 word response (formatted to APA style and including references and citations).

    Address the following questions:

    • Is the concept of a value chain intrinsic to all businesses and if not, why not?
    • How does a Value Chain assist in creating competitive advantage?
    • Can competitive advantage be achieved without a value chain?

    In your reply also discuss the meaning of the comments made by Lu and Hung (2010) in their article in the Unit 3 readings i.e.” the competiveness of the individual firm depends upon the competitiveness of the value chain to which it belongs” (p. 1155).

    • Is this statement valid, and is cost reduction the only purpose of a value chain?

    Apply and cite at least three relevant and respected resources

    within the response and list the references at the end of the response. Use APA formatting.


    Discussion 2 of 2

    Is Outsourcing a Competitive Advantage?

    The topic of outsourcing often elicits heated and often polarizing debate on its use as a basic business strategy.

    Required Resource (Kaplan Library)

    Yaghoubi, N. M., Moradi, M., & Banihashemi, S. A. (2011). Analyzing the effect of value chain outsourcing on productivity based on the customer and learning perspective of the BSC Model.Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2(10), 45-56.

    Discuss circumstances when outsourcing should be considered, and whether outsourcing will add to the competitive advantage of a firm. Make sure to include the financial AND human considerations that should be included in the decision process.

    Apply and cite the above-required resource plus at least two additional relevant and respected resources within the response and list the references at the end of the response. Use APA formatting.


    Unit 4


    To ensure you earn maximum points, your professionally written postings should provide substantive depth that demonstrates your proficiency to address topics and advance the discussion at a graduate school level. Your postings should represent your own experience and the knowledge you have gained through learning, by communicating clearly through the written word. Correct use of grammar, spelling, descriptive explanations, and logical flow of thought are important in all assignments. (Note: discussion responses are submitted to Turnitin to confirm originality and correct citation of references).

    Value Chain Analysis

    When used appropriately, a value chain analysis allows a systematic implementation of competitive strategies. A value chain analysis identifies how each business activity contributes to the desired competitive strategy.

    · What are the constraints in conducting an effective value chain analysis?

    · What can be done to mitigate or overcome constraints?

    · How frequently should a firm’s value chain be analyzed and why is this important?

    Apply and cite at least two relevant and respected resources within the response and list the references at the end of the response. Use APA formatting.


    Unit 5


    A Value Chain without Technology?

    This is a critical reasoning assignment.

    Post your response (200 – 250 words) in the discussion forum:

    · Describe what would happen to a company’s value chain if all electronic devices and systems suddenly were unavailable and an expected time for resolution time is unknown.

    · Could a value chain be maintained without electronics and technology to support it? If so, how?
    Unit 6


    Customer Delight as a Core Value

    Organizations frequently espouse their focus and practice of core values. This GB570 course has made a compelling case that creating customer delight should be a core value.

    In your response, include the following:

    • In your own words, explain the concept of core values and include an example.
    • Who defines an organization’s core values?
    • How can an organization know if they are practicing their core values?
    • How can an organization know if they are benefitting from their core values?
    • How can Customer Delight be made into a core value?

    Apply and cite at least two relevant and respected resources within the response and list the references at the end of the response. Use APA formatting.


    Project Discussion

    You will attach your Unit 5 Assessment presentation to your response below. In this project discussion, you will share information about your experience in completing a Value Chain Assessment. This Project Discussion offers the class an opportunity to share thoughts about how you assessed the effectiveness of a company’s value chain.

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    Requirements for this Project Discussion:

    1. In your main response below, include the following:
      • What questions did you explore?
      • Did your expectations from Unit 2 regarding value chain effectiveness change after completing the Unit 4 and Unit 5 assignments?
      • How did you approach completing the analysis and the assessment assignments?
      • What resources were most helpful to you?
      • What information did you include and why did you not include certain information?
      • Why did you make that assessment decision?
      • What recommendations do you have for future GB570 students?
    2. Attach your Unit 5 Individual Project Presentation: “Value Chain Assessment” to your response.
    3. Review your classmates’ responses with attached Unit 5 assessment presentations.
    4. Respond to at least two of your classmates, including the following:
      • Your thoughts about the process used to make the assessment
      • Your thoughts about the accuracy of the assessment decision
    5. Support your responses by applying and citing at least one relevant and respected resource. References should be formatted using APA for both in-text citation within the response and when listing the references at the end of the response.
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