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    . Click on the Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School link in the “In the news…” folder.  View the short video about the story.  NOTE:  This news story is from January 2011.
    2. Review the “Critical Thinking Exercises” section on p. 33, paying particular attention to the four steps listed before the section “Lying to the Sick and Dying.”
    3. Evaluate the moral permissibility of the mother’s actions using what you know about Kantian ethics (chapter three) and virtue ethics (chapter two).
    3a. This is NOT a “what would I have done?” question. You are to evaluate objectively the actions the mother chose to take.
    3b. You might also review Table 2.3 on page 19 as you form your OP, but remember: This discussion is NOT about you, it is about the mother.
    4. Read and respond to at least two other students’ OPs.

    NOTE:      You are required to post your OP before you will be able to view other students’ OPs.  Also, once you post your OP, you cannot delete or edit it.  Therefore, before you submit your OP, be sure you’ve said what you wanted to say.

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