Journalism, mass media and communication

    Journalism, mass media and communication

    Complaint management in social media – A comparative linguistic analysis between company websites and facebook

    It has to be a linguistic research between company websites and on the other hand fan pages of companies on facebook.
    It should be pointed out that the focus on customers nowadays depend on the opinion of others (Nielson Study). Complaints are treated with more value in social media. The change should be made clear.
    By looking at the company sites and facebook, focus on the linguistic way, how companies should react on complaints, in order to avoid “shitstorms” and a negative image feedback. Show how companies can avoid negative feedback on faceboock but are forced to reply on facebook fanpages. Give examples and linguistic analysis of the examples.
    Sources are up to you.
    During the analysis it has to be shown, how important Trust is, in social media, and how companies can keep the trust and satisfaction of a customer, through good and linguistic correct complaint management.

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