Journal entries

    the Unit 9 PowerPoint Assignment, you will assess your own characteristics as a leader within the context of organizational change. To complete this task you will need to integrate your Learning Journal entries from Units 1, 3, and 5. You are also highly encouraged to integrate at least one source from your Unit 6 Leadership Research Assignment.

    Your PowerPoint Assignment should contain the following:

    Cover slide

    Introduction slide

    Summary of your leadership strengths (Refer to your Unit 1 Journal)

    Summary of your approach to stress (Refer to Unit 3 Journal)

    Summary of your motivational style (Refer to Unit 5 Journal)

    In addition to the above, you will also add the following sections to your PowerPoint:

    Summary of your leadership approach to creativity, decision making, teamwork, or conflict resolution. (Choose only one of these four to explore in this section. Integrate the relevant chapter of the text into your work.)

    Summary of your orientation towards change. Integrate the following two assessments into this section [Hint: Utilize the insight you gain from these two assessments to determine how you deal with change. You do not necessarily have to report specific results. Rather, stay with the “big picture.” Consider exploring how your level of optimism (or pessimism) can influence how you approach change and uncertainty. Both orientations (optimistic and pessimistic) have distinct advantages and disadvantages from a leadership standpoint.]:

    The “Orientation Towards Change” Assessment on pages 385–386 of the text

    The “Optimism Test” found at

    Source: Optimism Test: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved from

    Conclusion/Summary slide

    References slide

    Slides should be formatted with an appropriate font size and color scheme. Integration of pictures should be done modestly with emphasis on the written bullet points on your slide. As a general “rule of thumb,” it is recommended that you follow the 6 x 6 rule. You should have about six bullet points per slide with around six words per bullet point.

    With the exception of your cover and reference slide, each slide should also have one paragraph of speaker notes per slide. Your presentation should be 10-12 slides, not counting the cover and reference slide. Make sure two of your slides address item #7 (Orientation towards Change). Finally, make sure your presentation references at least one outside source in addition to the class text. You are encouraged to use the resources you identified in Unit 6 to help you complete this Assignment.

    Submitting Your Assignment

    Save your Assignment in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below:


    Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.”

    In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 9: Assignment.

    In the optional “Comments” field, make sure to include at least the title of your paper.

    Click the “Add Attachments” button.

    Follow the steps listed to attach your PowerPoint.

    To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it.

    Make sure you save a copy of your submitted Assignment.

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