journal article review

    journal article review

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    first of all, please find an article and email me with it, to check that with my DR before we start our work….

    Identify an article (reporting research in applied linguistics) that makes use of either test, questionnaire, interview or observation as one its data collection methods.
    • Provide a brief introduction to the aims and objectives of the research
    • Select one data collection method that is employed in the study, and based on your readings from the textbook outline the key principles that should govern its implementation
    • Evaluate the actual implementation of the data collection method in your selected study.
    • Evaluate the appropriateness of the data collection method in relation to the research question in the selected study

    * Use the APA Referencing Style.
    * if you use direct quotation plesae write the page number
    Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2011). Research Methods in Education (7th ed.). London and New York: Routledge/ Falmer.

    • Data Collection Methods: Tests, Questionnaires and Interviews Cohen, Manion and Morrison, Chapters 15, 16 & 19 (6th edition) or Chapters 20, 21 & 24 (7th edition)
    you can find articles in
    TESOL Journal
    TESOL Quarterly
    ILT articles
    Language Teaching Research (LTR)
    choose article quiet explicit how they write it

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