Journal Ariticle “Re-Discovery of Silence in Pastoral Care” By S. Moriichi

    Provide an APA-style title page. Make sure you show the title of the article reviewed, name of the course, your name, and the date. You should also have a running header in the appropriate place and a page number on every page. You must divide your summary into sections with the following headings: Summary, Interaction, and Application.

    2. Develop a brief (one page) summary of the article in your own words. Do not copy and paste from the journal article–this is plagiarism! Simply provide a brief description in your own words of the topic under consideration in the article. If the article describes a research study, include brief statements in your own words about the hypotheses, methods, results, discussion, and implications. Do not provide detailed descriptions of the test measures or statistical methods used, if any. Short quotations from the article are acceptable, but they should not be more than one to two sentences. Direct quotations from the article should also be properly cited. This section should take up about a third of your Journal Article Review. Do not reference any additional articles in your summary.

    3. In your own words, interact (one page) with the article. Appropriate comments for this part of the paper should include, but are not limited to, your initial response to the article; comments (in your own words) regarding the study’s design or methodology (if any); insights you gained from reading the article; your reasons for being interested in this particular article; any other readings that you may plan to do based upon having read the article; and other thoughts you have that might further enhance the discussion of your article. This section should constitute approximately a third of your Journal Article Review. Again, there is no need to reference any other article.

    4. The final section is how you would apply (one page) the information you have learned to a potential counseling setting. This could be in a church or clinical session. Develop this section as if you are a pastor or clinician and your parishioner or client has come to you with a problem, needing your help. You may want to pick one of the following “normal” problems for this section: depression, grief, substance abuse, spousal infidelity, unforgiveness, etc.

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