
    Unit VII Journal Assignment
    Imagine you are a member of the courtroom process, whether a lawyer, guard, prosecutor, judge, or defense attorney.
    For this assignment, select a position or stance as if you were playing a role in the court process. You can use various
    approaches or stay with one main theme such as a prosecutor. Respond to each question in 100 words in length per
    1. What issues arose surrounding the case in terms of adjudicating the suspect in juvenile or adult court?
    2. How, if found guilty, was the juvenile sentenced, and what individuals in the court process made an impact?
    3. Do you believe that the sentence was adequate? Excessive?
    4. What are the ages of the juveniles, and what were the elements of the pre-adjudicatory stages of the process?
    5. What relation did the victims have to the juveniles?
    6. How can you better manage how juveniles are processed and strategies to prevent delinquency?

    All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying


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