JavaScript Libraries

    Write a two-page paper (approx. 500 words): Pick a JavaScript library or toolkit (such as Dojo, Prototype, or and compose a 2-page research paper in MLA format. How is this library or toolkit used? Provide some examples, including URLs. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this particular tool? All papers should be in MLA 7th edition format (double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman). A cover page is not necessary. Please refer to for MLA formatting guidelines. Please upload one completed paper, in .DOC or .RTF formats only, to the TurnItIn Assignment submission in Blackboard. This research assignment is worth 10% of your final grade for this course. (You may not use a free pass on this assignment.) Please note: All submissions will be processed through TurnItIn and an originality report will be generated. Papers with a TII score of 20% or greater will not be accepted and must be rewritten

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