Japanese Assimilation Policies in Colonial Korea 1910-1945


    then write answers of two questions- minimum 3 paragraph in each question.

    I have attached the class notes about this book and the audio file which I recorded about the questions during the lecture.
    They are may be help to find the answers.

    -provides the key issues in the answer.
    -question 1 covers introduction, chapter 1,2,3.
    (question 1: difference between three modes of colonial expansion; peripheral expansion, external expansion, and internal expansion
    Capiro also mentions differences in motivation between peripheral and external colonial expansion.

    Peripheral expansion is motivated primarily by the colonizer’s security concern while external expansion is by economic interests.
    More information can be found in Introduction, and chapters one and two.

    Capiro himself implies that it is not always easy to distinguish between the three modes of expansion in actual cases of colonization.
    For example, he admits British colonial rule in India, which is regarded as an example of external colonial expansion, did not entirely rule out the possibility of assimilation at least before the Indian Rebellion of 1857 while French colonial rule in Algeria, which aimed supposedly at the eventual assimilation of the colonized population and thus could be viewed as peripheral colonial expansion, institutionally discriminated against them in reality.

    What is important for us is nevertheless understand how those three modes of colonial expansion required different approaches to assimilation at least in theory, and which mode of colonial expansion Capiro argues the Korean case belonged to and why he thinks so.
    -question 2 covers chapter 4,5,6
    -question2( please listen the audio file.)


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