Jack Welch

    Define effective leadership practices, based on Jack Welch. Your final paper should include the following:

    Explain why you chose your selected leader.
    Compare the characteristics of a specific leader to Kouzes and Posner’s five practices of effective leadership.
    Provide a background, including the context of the leader’s environment and the culture of the organization and society.

    Address the following questions:
    What is your chosen leader’s definition of leadership?
    How does your chosen leader demonstrate the five practices of exemplary leadership?
    How does your chosen leader model the way?
    How does your chosen leader inspire a shared vision?
    How does your chosen leader challenge the process?
    How does your chosen leader enable others to act?
    How does your chosen leader encourage the heart (Kouzes & Posner, 2012)?
    What challenges and opportunities does your chosen leader face?

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