ITM 537 Module 3 SLP

    Module 3 – SLP


    In this module, you will perform a Information Security Governance (ISG) assessment of your company answering the questions to the best of your knowledge. The best scenario for your learning is to get the responses to the questions of the tool from a person who is involved in such process in an organization. However, if this is not possible, go over the questions and try to answer them yourself.

    You are not required to disclose the name of the organization that you are assessing. Note that the veracity of your responses will not affect your grade. What counts if your ability to reflect on the assessment tool itself.

    Session Long Project

    So, for this assignment you are to conduct first an ISG assessment using this tool. Once you have done that, provide a 1- to 2-page reaction paper assessing the tool itself and the results of your experience.

    Information Security Governance Assessment Tool for Higher Education is available at

    Your assignment will be graded according to the MSITM SLP Grading Rubric, which aligns with the following expectations. (To see the rubric, go to Assessments>Rubrics. Click the arrow next to the rubric name and choose Preview.)

    SLP Assignment Expectations

    Length: Follow the number of pages required in the assignment excluding cover page and references. Each page should have about 300 words.

    Your assignment will be evaluated based on the Rubric.

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