ITM 537 Module 1 SLP

    Module 1 – SLP
    The purpose of the Session Long Project in TUI University classes is to give you the opportunity to explore the practical side of the Module topic applied to your experience as user manager or technology professional. The common thread is personal application aimed at demonstrating a cumulative knowledge and understanding of the course’s material.
    In this course the Project assignments for each Module will involve experiencing and analyzing demo programs or conducting research about existing products related to IS auditing security auditing and forensics.
    Each Module you’ll be given an assignment relevant to the Module’s topic. Sometimes it’s a single product; sometimes you’ll be comparing possibilities. They vary considerably; some are downloadable some operate on-line. Some are far-reaching some are fairly lame. But collectively they will give you a chance to see the range of software that’s out there.
    Most online demo sites when we encounter them will require you to enter a name and an email address by way of registration; if this bothers you try using a pseudonym and a convenience free email account from Hotmail or Yahoo or just try some other one. All they want is a place to send a password generally. It is also possible that you will receive follow-up inquiries from sites that you have visited; if this concerns you please read theNote on Contacts from Visited Websites.
    It is essential that if you are going to download anything from the Internet that you have adequate virus protection and anti-adware/spyware screening on your systems. In fact it’s so essential that if you haven’t been through the exercise of checking out your protections you must take the steps described in theNote for Those Participating in Any Downloading Exercise for TUI ITM Classesimmediately before carrying out any of the Project assignments for this class.
    Each Module your SLP assignment will consist of filling out a report on your adventures in software/control tools summarizing what you looked at and offering to the degree possible some critical evaluation of it. You’ll also be invited to reflect on your cumulative software experiences (a very important section of your SLP assignment).
    Cautionary note:if you’re computing in an environment where you can’t easily or at all download things to look at them let your professor know and we’ll help you work out an alternative.
    For this Module we’ll evaluate auditing software available at In the search box typeauditingand you will see more than 300 products related to the auditing process. Please pick onlythreeand fill out the table with your review.
    You are to:
    If you have any questions about how this works check with your instructor.
    Your assignment will be graded according to theMSITM SLP Grading Rubricwhich aligns with the following expectations. (To see the rubric go toAssessments>Rubrics. Click the arrow next to the rubric name and choosePreview.)
    SLP Assignment Expectations
    Length:Follow the number of pages required in the assignment excluding cover page and references. Each page should have about 300 words.
    Your assignment will be evaluated based on the Rubric.

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